"Possessing the ability of high level abstract thought
along with the ability to put such ideas into action"

Urban Dictionary


Attack from beneath the sink

I drifted away from my dreams and moved slowly and easily back to reality. I awoke, keeping my eyes closed with the hope that my dreams would lure me back in. After a moment, I realised there was no going back. From my lumpy and uncomfortably warm bed the only things I could hear were the sounds of someone enjoying a dream and the frog conversations from outside the window. I lay in bed with my eyes still shut and slowly switched on each of my senses, one by one. I became aware that my skin was warm and I could feel the heat radiating between the bed and the arch of my back. I slowly opened my eyes and took in the orange light floating in through the window from the street lamps outside. Sitting up I smelt the salty air and felt the temperature change, like a hot day and the brilliant chill from an opened refrigerator. I looked to the window and wondered why the coolness of night was not reaching where I lay. The cool air was like a solid object hovering above my bed, teasing me with it's ability to stay in one place. 

I sat forward a little and my bed made, for the hundredth time, a loud and fury invoking clunking sound. It was apparent by the massive dent in the frame that someone before me had either had a whole lot of fun or had dropped a small elephant on it. Whatever the cause, it drove me mad.

I gave a quiet growl as the bed made another clunking sound as I stood up and shuffled towards the bathroom.

This side of the room was much darker and I found myself peering towards the wall to spot the door handle. Once found, I entered into the pitch blackness of the damp smelling room. Before shutting the door I switched on the light which gave a few weak flickers before filling the room in a dull glow. Given time, the bulb would grow in power and the room would be annoyingly bright. There wasn't a medium, it was either too dull or too bright but hey, a light's a light.

''It's so hot!'' I breathed, flapping my t-shirt to get some air to my over heated body. Whilst continuing my flapping I took a quick look at myself in the toothpaste covered mirror. What I saw was a sweaty, sleepy and tanned girl who'd forgotten to brush her teeth. I sighed and began the well known routine.

I ran the water and as I brushed with the right, I used my left hand to gather water and bring it to my face. The feeling was so good that I debated just standing in the cold shower for a while. I decided against that idea because the thought of taking my clothes off was painful, much easier to just sweat.

I brushed and stared, brushed and stared until something to the right caught my eye.

With my toothbrush still in my mouth I leaned to the right, gripping the sink as to not fall over. Why I didn't just move my feet? I leaned a little more and within a fraction of a second multiple things happened. I screamed, choked on my toothbrush, got toothpaste up my nose, cracked my heel whilst stumbling backwards and had a small heart attack. For what had caught my eye and what had been lurking beneath the sink was a giant hand sized huntsman spider.

Terrified, I flew backwards across the room until I met the far side of the bathroom. I tried my best to become part of the tiled wall, to sink as far away from the spider as humanly possible. I could feel the chill of the cold tiles on my back and legs. My hands were firmly clamped to the wall and I could not rip my eyes from the spider. Like a car crash, I couldn't look away, mainly because I feared that by letting my guard down I would instantly become open to attack. Possibly an attack of the elbow or some sort of egg laying under my toenails. I wasn't sure but there was no way I was letting this spider nest in my hair.

It moved slowly and in a calculating way. I knew it was watching me and as I thought that it decided to mess with me. It began creeping away but suddenly it changed direction and came right for me. It stopped abruptly, paused for a few moments and then returned to its original course as if it was going, I'm just going to go this....NO I'M NOT, I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR EYEBALLS....naaaa just kidding!!!

I could feel with every strong heartbeat sweat pulsating from my pores. Fear was gripping every inch of my body but I couldn't let the spider defeat me. I knew that beyond the bathroom door was freedom and safety. There would be no elbow feasting tonight. So, I decided to attempt an escape. I planned to open the door without losing fingers, to dash through it and close it firmly behind me, trapping the spider inside until I could call the FBI or Men in black to send it back to its alien planet.

 C.P.U - Creepy Spider Unit

I peeled myself from the wall and slowly made my way to the door. With every step reaching my hand out in front of me. I continued moving my hand closer and closer until I finally managed to grab the door handle, turning it sharply. The spider was clearly watching my every move and as I grasped that handle, it braced itself like a tiger about to attack it's prey. The spider crouched even more and I let out a pathetic and strange squealing sound. It was now or never. 

Pulling the door open I leaped through it towards victory but as I was halfway there, the spider launched itself off the wall and onto the door, missing my fingers by a fraction of a second. I slid cross the room and stopped at the end of my bed. I had two options. Get straight in to my comfortable bed and wrap everything I own around my body for protection or, or I could close the door and possibly save the lives of my roommates. Option one sounded great apart from the fact that the spider could track me down, nibble through the clothing and eat my elbows at any time and option two meant going back towards possible death. I'd like to say that I chose the second option to save my fellow roommates from the horrors I'd just endured but it was plainly a selfish act, I didn't want to wake up to nubbin arms.

Inch by inch I made my way towards the brightly lit bathroom and bit by bit regretted it. The closing of the door was rather uneventful which was unexpected. I'd imagined the spider above the door and when I reached my hand in, it would attack my bare flesh to feast. However that didn't happen and I closed the door, wrote a warning note for others and got in to bed. Uneventful. I didn't quite trust the simple ending to this dramatic spider encounter but I was in bed, spider free and drifting back to sleep.

It wasn't for 5 minutes or so that I realised I still had my toothbrush in my mouth. 

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